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Anant Vijay, CFA, Kellogg MBA | Partner, Vijay Wealth

Summer 2024

Get ahead of your insurance broker.

The majority of Vijay Wealth's clients are North American physicians. While each doctor's finances differ, they often share similar needs. Our team wrote a guide and case study to help early and mid-career physicians understand the different types of insurance that doctors will encounter throughout their careers.

Coverage will vary based on income, practice type, and life stage, but this guide and case study serves as a foundational starting point.


We write about markets & money matters you can take action on today.



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We help over 250+ high net-worth North American families optimally plan for their most important life events.


<aside> 🗓️ Book a meeting: https://calendly.com/anantvijay1



What some of our physician clients have to say about us


No recommendation of any product or service would be made without a thorough review of an individu­al’s financial goals and risk tolerance. This in­formation is drawn from sources believed to be reliable but information accuracy is not guaranteed. Nor in providing it does Raymond James Ltd assume any liability.  Individual client port­folio performance may be different from that of the model performance due to timing of cash flows, etc. and the performance calculation of the model may be different than that of the index used as a refer­ence point for comparison. Past performance may not be repeated. Financial Advisors are not tax advisors. Raymond James is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. ©2024, Vijay Wealth.