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Anant Vijay, CFA, Kellogg MBA | Partner, Vijay Wealth

Fall 2024

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Tax Planning

Is my accountant taking full advantage of all deductions?

What assets should I put under my corp vs. personally?

How can I make a spousal loan to reduce my income tax?

Can I use my insurance policy to pay for estate transfer taxes?

How do I donate tax-effectively?

Can I deduct the interest payments on a loan?

How can I use a home equity LOC to reduce my tax liability?

Financial Planning

When’s the best to buy a new home based on my cash flow?

When can I become work-optional?

How can I pass funds down to my children tax-efficiently?

Should I pay down my mortgage or invest?

What's the most tax-efficient way to draw funds in retirement?

What’s the path to achieving all the unique things I want to?


How should I adjust my portfolio in anticipation of rate cuts?

What % of my investments should be in technology stocks?

Are my mutual funds and ETFs actually “free”?

How often should I be rebalancing my portfolio?

What's the most effective way to incorporate real estate into my portfolio for diversification?

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No recommendation of any product or service would be made without a thorough review of an individu­al’s financial goals and risk tolerance. This in­formation is drawn from sources believed to be reliable but information accuracy is not guaranteed. Nor in providing it does Raymond James Ltd assume any liability.  Individual client port­folio performance may be different from that of the model performance due to timing of cash flows, etc. and the performance calculation of the model may be different than that of the index used as a refer­ence point for comparison. Past performance may not be repeated. Financial Advisors are not tax advisors. Raymond James is a member of the Canadian Investor Protection Fund. ©2024, Vijay Wealth.